The Award scheme
The Award scheme supports and recognises your commitment to the health and wellbeing of the people who work for you. It’s free to join, and is open to all public, private and voluntary sector organisations irrespective of size.
There are three levels to the award, Bronze, Silver and Gold, each containing different ‘elements’ which are the individual standards you need to meet to achieve an award. We want to reward you for the progress you make, so once you have achieved Bronze, we hope you will progress to Silver and then to Gold. If you choose to progress, we’ll ask you to maintain the standards you have already achieved at Bronze and Silver. All levels of achievement are accessible to your organisation regardless of size, and no-one is ever precluded from accessing Silver or Gold – it’s completely up to you how high you want to aim.
Even small changes can make a big difference, and you may already meet some of the elements and be well on your way to achieving your award.

Guide to getting started
Fundamental to the Award is leadership commitment to prioritise the health and wellbeing of your workforce, and to develop a culture to support it. To start the process visit
uk/workplacehealth and complete the application form which needs to be signed by either the owner of your business or a senior manager who has responsibility for making workforce wellbeing a core priority.
Once we receive your application we will arrange a meeting where we will discuss amongst other things how to identify your Workplace Wellbeing champion/s and the support we can provide to them.
We will ask you to complete the baseline information form for your organisation; this is a summary of your workforce data measured at a specific point in time. This includes data such as sickness rates and staff turnover. We appreciate some information may not
be relevant or useful to your organisation so we will work with you to find out what you would like to get out of the award, to help develop your own individual benchmark and provide a more personal element to how you measure your success.
We will also discuss relevant questions for your Health Needs Assessment (HNA). This HNA can be carried out electronically or in a paper format, whichever suits your workforce. Once the results are collated we will work with you to analyse the results and help you to develop an action plan based on the findings and any other relevant information. We can help you with the development of your action plan for example by providing templates and offering suggestions.